Volunteering at the Antofagasta Hospital

By 28 August, 2023 News, News, Noticias

In CyD, solidarity mobilizes us and drives us to generate various initiatives aimed at helping those who need it most. For this reason, employees of our company organized activities to bring a smile to the smallest patients of the hospital of Antofagasta.

The Exploitation Fiscal Inspection Advisory (AIFE by its acronym in Spanish) teams from the Antofagasta Hospital and collaborators from the Antofagasta´s company office came together to give away toys, coloring books, toiletries, socks and joy to more than 60 children and adolescents from different health units, such as Pediatrics, Onco-pediatrics, ICU – Pediatric ICU, Neonatology and Pediatric Emergency, Infant-Adolescent and Psychiatry, including the Kindergarten of the Antofagasta hospital.

We congratulate the teams that participated in these initiatives for their great motivation, joy and teamwork. We are sure that the smiles of the children are a reflection of the positive footprint that we leave as CyD.