In CyD we constantly seek to generate instance tha allow to us stregthen relationships and enhace the closeness of the field teams. In this context, it was visited 2 contracts of the Dirección de Obras Hidráulicas (DOH) y Ministerio de Obras Públicas (MOP). The first proyect was the control, managment and surveillante services at Embalse Chacrillas 2022-2023 at Putaendo, that increase the irrigation in 7.100 hectareas and provides more opportunities and economic stability to local farmers. The second one was technical and administrative advisory of Cuncumen irrigation system, stage 2 at San Antonio, which will supply water to 1.700 hectares, and develops the responsible use of water resources.
We thanks to the entire Cucumén and Embalse Chacrillas teams for the great work done and the Obras Publicas Manager, Eduardo Nahum, how led the visits with Pedro Fernandez, Proyects Manager, and Diego Ciguentes, Process Engineer