CyD Ingeniería at the International Seminar on Corporate Sustainability

By 24 June, 2024 July 22nd, 2024 Noticias

Enrique Cruz Ugarte, President of CyD Ingeniería, was invited as a panelist to the “International Seminar on Corporate Sustainability: Innovation and Ethical Responsibility in Economic, Social, and Environmental Aspects,” organized by the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC).

At the same time, the launch of the book “Hacia un nuevo modelo de empresa” (Towards a New Business Model) was announced, a project by the Institute of Engineers of Chile developed by Professor Nicolás Majluf Sapag, which compiles experiences from various companies, including a notable contribution from CyD Ingeniería.

We sincerely thank Universidad Católica de Chile for extending this significant invitation to us and congratulate Enrique on his outstanding participation in the event.