ESG is an acronym that refers to environmental, social and corporate governance criteria.

The corporate governance criteria of CyD correspond to a set of practices and policies that seek to ensure transparency, accountability and ethics in all business operations and decisions. We are committed to maintaning the highest standards of corporate governance to protect the interests of shareholders, customers, employees and society as a whole.

Management Cycle

The “Management Cycle” is a tool that allows CyD to periodically assess its strategic priorities and manage the action plans associated with them. This process is divided into four phases, each with a specific objective.


In line with its purpose and values, CyD demands in its corporate actions and that of all its collaborators, executives, contractors and main suppliers, a strict respect for the legal framework in which its business environment is developed.

In addition, CyD has a Conduct Committee, which appoints a Crime Prevention Officer, who must ensure compliance with the model and manage the respective complaints. The company seeks a culture of comfort in speaking up and reporting, so that complaints are treated with total confidentiality, without reprisals for those who report.

Code of Conduct & Ethics

The Code of Conduct & Ethics is a behavioral guide that considers the concepts of ethics and good conduct, which must be applied permanently by each employee of the company.

The main issues that regulate the relationship between CyD employees and third parties are contained in the Integrity and Ethics Principles, such as:

Corporate policies

CyD has five corporate policies, which establish a framework to guide the conduct and actions of employees. Thus, they demarcate the ethical, legal and responsible behavior of the company and its employees.

Technology development

CyD constantly looks for ways to use technology to improve the transparency and accountability of the company.

Platform created internally to keep track of asset manager, contract portfolio, payment management, procurement, contracting management, satisfaction surveys, among others.
CyD Ingeniería’s technology company focused on software development for the company and third parties. It is also an Oracle Partner, which allows it to distribute software such as Primavera P6, Cloud, Aconex, among others.
CyD participates as an investor in a seed capital fund with the purpose of promoting software development projects in Latin America, mainly related to engineering and construction.

Integrated Management System

CyD’s Integrated Management System (IMS) provides guidelines and guidance in accordance with ISO standards 9001 – 14001 – 45001, regulating the processes and activities carried out by the people responsible for them.

Customer satisfaction

CyD aims to provide a good after-sales service and to obtain information that enables the company to improve its performance in each project in which we participate. To do so, we use an internal customer satisfaction platform which allows the project managers to send a satisfaction survey, according to pre-established criteria.

The methodology used is based on the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which measures the probability that a client will recommend services to third parties.


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